Abdullah Mujaddid, SE, MM, BKP, Ak, A-CPA

Senior Advisor

Abdullah Mujaddid, SE, MM, BKP, Ak, A-CPA

Senior Advisor

Abdullah Mujaddid was born in Sidoarjo, on August 28, 1969. He graduated from The Faculty of Economics & Business, the University of Muhammadiyah Gresik, majoring in Accounting, and a Master of Management degree obtained from the Graduate Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

He was also completing the School of Tax Consultant at The Institute of Business Law and Management (IBLAM), Tax Consultant Certification and Forensic Audit Training (BPKP) as well as completing The Professional Accountant Education (PPAk).

Worked at PT Superintending Company of Indonesia (SUCOFINDO) for 22 years and was also a Teaching Staff at The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Gresik.

He is a member of the Indonesian Tax Consultants Association (IKPI). Further information about the licenses can be found at https://konsultan.pajak.go.id/

BTS Consulting

it was founded in November 3th 2021 by two founding  partners having more than 20 years of experience in taxation, and tax strategies for corporations and individuals.
